Safety Equipment

Safety Equipment

With high standard of safety, we have all necessary safety equipment aboard for your safe trip.

Life jackets and flotation devices

We always kake sure you have enough life jackets in a serviceable condition for everyone on board. They should also be fitted properly, especially children’s life jackets, which should be fitted by a trained professional.
For more information on how to make sure a life jacket fits correctly and how to wear one, our guide will show you as you are boarding.


We highly recommend wearing a life jacket, or flotation device for water-related activities, at all times. we put life jackets under your tables and upper deck where you can easily take them to use in case of emergency.

Life rafts
Life rafts are available on Wonderbay Cruises, from four-man rafts that are in a holdall style carry case, to larger rafts that can be mounted on wheelhouse roofs. Life rafts is kept on upper deck behind Captain’ room.

Fire extinguishers
We locate fire extinguishers on board. In case of fire, our well-train staff will act with the fastest way to make you safe.




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